Apple Park Information

Apple Park is a suburb in Gauteng, South Africa

Schools Near Apple Park

Distance Calculations for Apple Park

Direct Distance from Apple Park to Cape Town, Western Cape is : 1250 Km
Direct Distance from Apple Park to Durban, KwaZulu-Natal is : 527 Km
Direct Distance from Apple Park to Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape is : 899 Km
Direct Distance from Apple Park to Bloemfontein, Free State is : 368 Km
Direct Distance from Apple Park to Nelspruit, Mpumalanga is : 330 Km
Direct Distance from Apple Park to Kimberley, Northern Cape is : 416 Km
Direct Distance from Apple Park to Polokwane, Limpopo is : 298 Km

Attractions and Businesses in Apple Park

Roads In Apple Park

Roads / Streets in Apple Park
Road Length
Bolton Street
Plan your trip using our free distance Calculator, always check your GPS and plan your journey using a map.

When you book your accommodation make sure you check their website, and find reviews before you make a booking. Drive safe, and take care on the roads since South Africa has some dangerous drivers.